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   Fast Ye For Me


Esther 4:10-17


Sunday Morning Sermon

August 8, 1999

Fair Avenue Baptist Church

13th Anniversary Sunday




Esther 4:10-17



As we read the verses a few minutes ago we read the story of a young girl named Esther who wanted to go before the king.


The problem was that for someone to go before the king faced the possibility of death unless the king held out his golden sceptre.


Esther had waited thirty days to be called before the king and still had not been called. 


But time was running out.


The Jews were in trouble.


Haman had set out to destroy the Jews and his plan was working.


Esther decided to take matters into her own hands and go to the king without permission, risking death if she did.


So, in VERSE 16, she told Mordecai to go to her people and notice what she said, “FAST YE FOR ME.”


Esther and the children of Israel were in a difficult position.


Haman just about had them.


Esther was burdened and rightly so.


She was so burdened that she asked her people to fast and pray about her decision.


Thirteen years ago today, on August 10, 1986, the Fair Avenue Baptist Church called me as pastor.


Today I stand before you with a heavy heart, much like Esther did.


I stand before you asking you to do as the Jewish people did for Esther those many, many years ago.


In the next few months we face some difficult decisions.


Over the next few months and into the year 2000, there are many decisions that must be made.


Today, I am asking you to fast for me that the right decisions will be made.


Over the next few weeks and months we are looking at several things:


·        Our 1999 Fall Sunday School Campaign, September 12 through October 31, which will focus on adult visitors


·        The 35th Anniversary of our Church will be October 31st.


·        And the theme for next year, the Year 2000, will be Year of Revival and Soul Winning.



The Revival of our Church

The Revival of our City

The Revival of our Area

The Revival of our Homes



We need to make some property improvements such as paving our parking lot,


improving the air conditioning in the Fellowship Hall,


We have some renovations that need to be made.


There are several areas that need our attention.



We need to look at:


The direction of our teens,

The direction of our finances,

The direction of our missions program,

The direction of Vision Unlimited.



The direction of our MEN:

·        our prison ministry

·        their involvement in ministry

·        their leadership in the church



Will you fast with me concerning the Revival of our church?


·        There is a definite need for restored relationships,


·        There is a definite need for people to get back to serving God,


·        There is a definite need for a spiritual revival as well as a physical renovation.


·        There is a definite need for a renewal of service and love for our church.


·        We need the warmth back again!



Will you fast with me concerning our Sunday School?


·        We simply must have more men teaching in our Sunday School.


·        We must have more teachers who are willing to dedicate and consecrate themselves for the Lord’s work.


·        We have so much work to do in our Sunday School and we need God to really help us.



Will you fast with me concerning the Revival of our city?


·        We would all agree that we need revival in the economy of Gainesville and Cooke County?


·        We certainly all agree that we need God to reach down and touch the economy around here.


·        Until we get burdened about our city and the economy, God cannot and will not help us.



Will you fast with me concerning the Revival of our homes?


·        How many fights and/or arguments did you have this last week?


·        Did you go a day or so without talking to your spouse because of an argument?


·        Did you have a good week in your home or was it rather tense?



Will you fast with me concerning the Revival of teens?


·        We really need someone to work directly with our teenagers.


·        Will you pray that someone will step forward and assume that responsibility?


·        Will you fast and pray with me that God will continue to work in the lives of our teens?



Will you fast with me concerning our finances?


·        We need a revival in our finances.

·        We need a revival in our missions giving.

·        We need a revival in our Vision Unlimited program.



Will you fast with me concerning our men?


We must have men who will build their lives around the church and make it the number one thing in their lives.


We simply must have the men step up and lead in our church.


We must have men get more involved.


We must have men involved in our prison ministry.


We must have men involved in leadership.


Men, I’m asking one more time for your help.



Will you fast with me?

We need for God to help us.

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