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Job 12:7-10





Sunday Morning Sermon

August 30, 1998

Fair Avenue Baptist Church





The Book of Job has captured my attention over the past few months.  I have probably preached more messages from Job in 1998 than I’ve ever preached before.


It is a wonderful and I’m ashamed I hadn’t read and studied in detail before.


Let’s work through portions of Chapter 12:


12:7            the beasts will teach thee

                   the fowls of the air shall tell thee


V. 8             the earth shall teach thee

                   the fish shall declare it


V. 9             the hand of the Lord hath wrought this


V. 10 in whose hand is the soul of every living thing


                   the breath of all mankind


V. 13 with Him is wisdom and strength

                   He hath counsel and understanding


V. 15 He withholdeth the waters


V. 16 with Him is strength and wisdom


V. 17 He leadeth counsellers away

                   He maketh the judges fools


V. 18 He looseth the bonds of kings


V. 19 He leadeth princes away spoiled

                   He overthroweth the mighty


V. 21 He poureth contempt upon princes

                   He weakeneth the strength of the mighty


V. 22 He bringeth out to light the shadow of death


V. 23 He increaseth the nations and destroyeth them


V. 24 He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people


                   He causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way


V. 25 He maketh them to stagger like a drunken man


“stagger like a drunk” - that is a phrase taken from the Bible


The Bible gives us several verses telling of the omnipotence of God.


I want to preach this morning on The Birds Will Tell You.”


Back in VERSES 7 and 8 we see two key verses:


“But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee.”


“Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.”


The greatness of God,

The omnipotence of God,

The God of everything.


Ask the beasts, the animals - they’ll tell you


Ask the birds - they’ll tell you


Ask the earth - it’ll tell you


Ask the fishes - they’ll tell you


God has our life in His hand,


He has the breath of every man in His hand,


He is in control.


Now, we might not always see it,

We might not always believe it,

But God is all powerful,

God is in control.


Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.


When the difficult times come,

God is in control,

Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.


And the difficult times will come,

You mark it down,

You heard it here,

The difficult times will come.

Maybe not next week,

Maybe not even next year,

But they will come.


And when the difficult times come,

God is in control,

Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.


When death comes,

God is in control.

When someone we love is taken out into eternity, God is in control.


When our hearts are heavy,

When it seems like there is no God,

When the tears flow,

Remember this, God is in control.


Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.


When the financial difficulties begin to overwhelm you,

When it seems almost suffocating,

When it seems like there is no hope in sight,

Have you ever been there?


God is still in control.

He still holds in His hand the soul of every living thing,

He still holds in His hand the breath of all mankind,

God is in control.


Just ask the animals, they’ll tell you,

Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you,

The earth will tell you,

The fish will tell you,

God is in control.


There are no accidents with God,

There are no slipups with God,

There are no ‘oops’ with God,

He is in control.


Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.


Matt. 6:26, “Behold fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns: yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.  ARE YE NOT MUCH BETTER THAN THEY?”


The birds know God feeds them,

They know that God takes care of them,

That’s why they are so chirpy.


In the early morning and throughout the day,

when you hear the birds sing,

when you hear the chirp of the birds,

they are rejoicing in the Lord,

they know that God is in control,

that’s why you hear the cheerful chirps.


And if God will take care of the birds,

“Are ye not much better than they?”


God never forgets us,

God never says, “Oh, man, I forgot.”

NO, God never forgets us,

He is in control,

In difficult times,

In times of death,

And in times of financial setbacks,

God is in control.


Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.


When we are hurting,

God is there.


When we have been hurt,

God is there.


When our hearts are broken,

God is there.


When our hearts are heavy,

God is there.


When the tears are flowing,

When the pillow at night is covered in tears,

When we don’t understand,

When the tragedies come,

When death comes,

When financial difficulties come,

God is there,

God is in control.


Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.


Matt. 10:29, “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?  and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.”


A sparrow does not fall to the ground without the knowledge of our Heavenly Father.


With the millions of sparrows,

No, the trillions of sparrows,

No, probably, the billions of sparrows in the world,

Not one of them falls to the ground without our Heavenly Father knowing about it.


Remember Matt. 6:26, “Are ye not much better than they?”


If God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, He most certainly knows when your heart is heavy.


If God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, He most certainly knows when you are going through a difficult time.


He most certainly knows when you are having financial difficulties,


He most certainly knows when you are having a hard time,


He most certainly knows when you are down and discouraged.


And look at the next verse there in Matt. 10:30, “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”


He even knows how many hairs are on your head.


Of course, with some of you, He doesn’t have to count very high.


HEY, God is in control,

He knows what you are going through,

He sees those tears,

He sees that broken heart,

He knows the burdens you are carrying,

He knows.


If our God is willing to take care of the birds,

If our God is willing to feed them,

If He is willing to take care of them,

If He knows when one of them falls to the ground,

If He knows all about the birds,


Then be rest assured that God knows our problems,


God knows what we are going through,


God knows,

God is in control,

God is there.


I don’t know what you are going through this morning,


I don’t know everyone here today,


But I do know that some of you are going through some difficult times,


I do know that some of you are going through some times of testing,


I do know that some of you have heavy hearts,


And I know that God loves you,

God is in control,

God knows what you are going through,

He hasn’t forgotten about you.


Just ask the birds, they’ll tell you.

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