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I Cor. 4:10-13



Sunday Morning Sermon

June 27, 1998

Fair Ave Baptist Church



I believe the Apostle Paul was the greatest Christian in all the world after the time of Christ.  No one has had the impact that he had, nor do I believe anyone will ever have again.  He was truly a man of God and I believe there are several reasons why God used him in such a mighty way.


I believe the number one reason that Paul was so greatly used was because there was nothing that Paul wouldn’t do for the cause of Christ.


I mean, there was nothing that Paul would not do for the cause of Christ.


We read a few minutes ago of Paul’s willingness to do whatever it took to spread the Gospel.  Let’s examine the Scripture and see what Paul did for Jesus.



1.       HE WENT HUNGRY - V. 11


“We both hunger ...”


When was the last time you went hungry?

On purpose?


When was the last time you decided not to eat out so you could give a little more to missions or to some mission project?


When was the last time you decided to eat at McDonald’s instead of Don Pablos to save a little money so you could help a kid go to youth camp?


When was the last time you did without so a teenager could go to youth conference?


What would we do for Jesus?



2.       HE WENT THIRSTY - V. 11


“We both hunger, and thirst...”


I wonder if we have even thought of passing up a Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper so we would have some extra money to put in for a mission trip?


I wonder if we have even thought of passing up that extra cup of coffee so we might help the Lakeland Baptist Church mission work in Madill?


I wonder if we even think about passing up a meal at Burger King or a Pepsi at the convenience store so we could simply tithe?


What would we do for Jesus?

Would we pass up a meal?

Would we give up a coke or two?



3.       PAUL WAS NAKED - V. 11


“...and are naked...”


In most prison cells the prisoners were stripped naked in order to humiliate them.


But let me look at it from another point of view.


I wonder if we have too many clothes?


I worry about people who tell me they can’t tithe but yet have enough money to buy designer clothes or shoes.


You can’t tithe but your kids are wearing Reebok or Nike.


I worry about people who tell me that they can’t afford to tithe but their kids run around and wear expensive jeans and shirts and shoes.


I wonder if we would be willing to forgo buying any new clothes for a while in order to help our Christian Academy buy some things which would help it be a better school?


I wonder if we might put off that purchase of a new pair of boots or that new dress in order to give toward a mission trip to Mexico?


What would we do for Jesus?

Would we put off going out to eat?

Would we give up a coke or pepsi or two?

Would we put off buying some new clothes?


4.       PAUL WAS BEATEN - V. 11


“...and was buffeted...”


The word “buffet” means “strike with the FIST, a blow with the fist, treat with violence.”


Paul was physically assaulted because he preached the gospel.  And we’re not talking about a slap on the wrist, we’re talking about a FIST to the face or body.


Isn’t it amazing that Paul was never worried about offending people with the gospel and yet so many 20th century Christians are?


Paul took a beating for the gospel,

What would we do?


The truth is that not one of us has ever taken a beating for the sake of Jesus, nor probably ever will.


But would we be willing to?

Probably not.


Most Christians are not even willing to sweat a little for the Lord on a bus route or Thursday night soul winning, much less take a beating.


What would we do for Jesus?

Would we give up a meal or two?

Would we give up a RC cola and a moon pie?

Would we give up some new clothes?


Would we be willing to take a beating?




“...and have no certain dwelling place.”


Wait a minute before you jump the gun.  I’m not saying we should give up our home, that’s not what I’m saying.


But I’m am wondering what would happen if more Christians decided NOT to buy a bigger and nicer home,


or if they decided NOT to jump into a higher house payment,


just for the sake of having a new home.


The truth is that we spend very little time in our homes and most of us have more house than we need.


My wife and I have decided that once the kids are married and gone and no one is left at home but just the two of us, we are going to sell and move into a much smaller house - more money for the Lord’s work.


Paul was willing to go hungry,

be thirsty,

sit in a prison naked,

be beaten,

and have no set place to live,

all for Jesus.


What would we do for Jesus?




“And labour, working with our own hands...”


What are we willing to do?


Would you mow the church yard for Jesus?

Would you take out the church trash for Jesus?

Would you mow a widow’s yard for Jesus?

Would you paint the church building for Jesus?


What kind of physical labor are we willing to do for the church?


How much sweat are we willing to sweat for the church?


HEY - somebody’s got to do it!



7.       PAUL WAS REVILED - V. 12


“...being reviled, we bless...”


The word “reviled” means “reproach, heap abuse on, rail at.”


Are we willing to take a little reproach, a little abuse, for the gospel’s sake?


Are we willing to be abused for Jesus?


Are we willing for people to take advantage of us for the sake of the gospel?  They will ...


You’ll help someone with some groceries or help them pay some bill and they’ll turn on you.


I’ve paid people’s electric bill,

Their phone bill,

Their car insurance,

And they’ve turned on me and criticized me mercilessly.


Are we willing to be cussed out every now and then for the sake of the gospel?


Are we willing to be verbally abused for the sake of winning souls to Christ?


Paul was willing to go hungry,

to go thirsty,

have no clothes,

be beaten,

work hard,

and be verbally abused,

all for Jesus?


What would we do?


I’ve paid people’s way to youth camp,

Youth conference,

Other conferences,

Bought them books,

Bought them sermon tapes,

And now they think I’m the worst pastor in the state of Texas.


What would you do?


8.       PAUL WAS PERSECUTED - V. 12


“...being persecuted, we suffer it.”


We don’t know anything about persecution in Gainesville, Texas.


Persecuted” means “harass, trouble, drive away.”


Have you ever been harassed because you were a Christian?  Maybe a few.


Has anyone ever caused you trouble because you were trying to live right?  Maybe a few.


Has anyone tried to drive you away because of your Christianity?  Probably not.


Oh, you might get a funny look every now and then,

or you might get a ugly remark from time to time,

or you might even get a snide comment,

but have you ever been harassed to the point where you wanted to leave?


Probably not.


Have you ever lost a job because you were a Christian?


Have you ever lost an opportunity at something just because you were a Christian?


See, we know virtually nothing about persecution.


And the truth is, that if we really did suffer some persecution, we’d probably quit.


If your boss came up to you tomorrow and said, “If you don’t leave that church, you’re fired,” what would you do?


If the banker called tomorrow and said, “If you don’t leave that church, I’m calling in your note and you are going to have to pay the note in full,” what would you do?


If GMAC called tomorrow and said, “If you don’t leave that church, your deal will not be approved, you cannot get that new car,” what would you do?


If Tom Thumb called and said, “If you don’t leave that church, you’re not welcomed in our store,” what would you do?


If the school were to say, “If you don’t leave that church, you have to take your kids out of our school,” what would you do?


What if the police were to say, “If you don’t leave that church, we’re going to have to arrest you,” what would you do?


You say, “Preacher, that never happens.”




It happens all over the world on the mission field.


Men in Spain will lose their jobs because they left the Catholic church.


People in India will lose their homes because they got saved and left the Muslim religion.


People in Nigeria have to take their kids out of school because they joined the Baptist church.


People go to jail for their beliefs in some countries such as Niger, Liberia, China, and others.




And thank God for those strong Christians around the world who stand up for right and suffer the persecution that sometimes goes along with it.


We think persecution is having to go to church for a few hours per week.


We think persecution is having to tithe.


We think persecution is having to be in a church service three or four times a week.


Most Christians can’t handle rebuke or reproof, much less persecution.


What would we do for Jesus?


9.       PAUL WAS DEFAMED - V. 13


“Being defamed, we intreat...”


Are we willing to be slandered and lied about, and still try to see people saved and baptized?


It happens ...


Are we willing to be falsely charged, and still teach a Sunday School class?


It has happened here ...


Are we willing to have our reputation lied about, and still work a bus route?


It’ll happen ...


Soul winning,




Baptist churches are always lied about,

always maligned,

always being persecuted,

always being defamed,


yet we keep on trying to see people saved and baptized,


we keep on running the buses,


we keep on preaching,


WHY?  Because it is just part of the Christian life that Paul lived, and part of the life that we live.


Are you willing, as an individual, to be lied about?


Are you willing to be slandered?


Are you willing to have your reputation attacked?


I am.


WHY?  It is just part of the territory.


I had a person call me on the phone last month and for over an hour and a half they called me a liar, a phony; they said I was pathetic, uncaring, and unreasonable; and went on and on and on about how bad a person I was.


Guess where I was the next Wednesday night?

Right here in church, on time and ready,

They dragged in late.


But guess where I was the next Thursday night?  Knocking doors for the Lord,

Trying to win someone to the Lord,

Working for the Saviour,

Trying to get people to meet Jesus.

That person stayed home.


Guess where I was on Saturday?

At the Nuring Home, preaching to the old folks.

That person stayed home.


What are you willing to do for Jesus?





“...we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.”


Offscouring” here is a metaphor meaning “like a worthless condemned criminal.”


As a soul winner,

As a dedicated, separated Christian,

As a tither and giver,

As an independent, fundamental Baptist,

As a bus worker,

As a devoted and loyal chuch member,

You are going to be considered as “almost a worthless condemned criminal.”


People are just not going to understand.  They think you’re almost worthless.


The other day I had a conversation with a person who just did not understand why I didn’t want my 17 year old son dating a 16 year old girl alone in a car.


They just didn’t get it.


To that person, I was sort of like the “offscouring of all things.”


This person almost rebuked my wife and I for it.

They just about ridiculed us for it.

They tried to make us feel bad about it.


But I’m glad I had read this passage in the past few months.


I’m willing to be thought of as a little weird,

I’m willing to be thought of as a fanatic,

I’m willing to do whatever it takes to live for the Lord.


Go hungry, if that’s what it takes...


Go thirsty, if that’s what it takes...


Do without some new clothes, if that’s what it takes...


Take a beating, if that’s what it takes...


Change my living arrangements, if that’s what it takes...


Work, if that’s what it takes...


Take a cussing, if that’s what it takes...


Persecution, if that’s what it takes...


Being defamed, if that’s what it takes...


If people think of me and my family as the “filth of the world,” or “the offscouring” if that’s what it takes...


What would you do for Jesus?

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