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John 17:13-20




Sunday Morning Sermon

April 5, 1998

Fair Avenue Baptist Church




This morning I want to give you some good news.  I want to help you if you will let me.  In our responsive reading a few minutes ago we read something that might have slipped by us if we weren’t paying attention.


Notice V. 20 again, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.”


Did you catch it?


Jesus is praying for us,

Jesus is praying for me,

Jesus is praying for you.


In VERSE ONE we see the beginning of this prayer, “These words spake Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee.”


Jesus begins His prayer in VERSE ONE.


In VERSE NINE He talks about praying for His disciples, “I pray for them [the disciples]: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.”


And now back to our text verse, VERSE 20, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.”


“But for them also which shall believe on me.”


HEY - that’s me!

HEY - that’s you!


Jesus is praying for us today.


What more could we want?


Our name is on the Lord’s prayer list.


What might He be praying for?





I don’t know what burden you are carrying this morning but Jesus prayed about it.


He wants us to bring our burdens to Him because He is praying to the Father for you and me.


“Cast thy burden upon the Lord” (Psa. 55:22)


You could be carrying the burden of disease this morning.


I think of Vicki Turnham’s mother who is suffering for cancer.  Hey, Vicki, Jesus is praying for you.  Hey, James, Jesus is praying for you, He is praying for your mother.


You could be carrying the burden of family problems this morning.


No doubt, some are carrying the burden of a grown child whose marriage is trouble and your heart is heavy.


Some may be carrying a burden because of a husband or wife who walked out on you and left you alone.


Jesus says, “Come unto me ... and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)


No matter what burden you are carrying this morning, Jesus is praying for you.


In a few minutes my family and I will be driving to Waco, Texas, for the 50th Wedding Anniversary for my aunt and uncle, Leta and Jeff Culp.


My aunt Leta and uncle Jeff are two of the sweetest people you will ever meet.  My uncle Jeff is one of the best Christians I have ever met.  He is a Baptist preacher and has been preaching for over 40 years.


My uncle Jeff has Alzheimer’s Disease.  He can no longer find Scriptures in his Bible.  He has all the classic symptoms of Alzheimer’s.


My aunt Leta is carrying a big burden right now.  Her husband of 50 years is not the same anymore.  She is carrying a heavy burden.


But, wait a minute, aunt Leta, Jesus is praying for you.


Mrs. Worgull, Jesus is praying for you.  He knows the burden you are carrying right now.


Some of you are carrying a big burden this morning.


But remember, Jesus is praying for you!





He is a “refuge in times of trouble.” (Psalm 9:9)


He knows when we are troubled, He “...considereth my trouble.” (Psa. 31:7)


He is a refuge in times of trouble,

He considereth my trouble,


Because He is praying for me!


Are you troubled this morning?


He is praying for you!


He is thinking about you and me when He is praying.


Psalm 40:17, “But I am poor and needy, yet the Lord thinketh upon me...”


He is praying for me!

He is praying for you!


He is praying about your troubles,


He is praying about what you are troubled about,


no matter what it is,

no matter how much it hurts,

no matter what,

He is praying for you!


He is praying to the Heavenly Father to help you,


to help you get through that trouble,

to help you deal with that trouble,


Jesus Christ is praying for you!



There is a young lady in this auditorium this morning who was abused by her father.  She was molested by her own father. 


She has a burden,

She has a troubled heart,

But thank God she knows Jesus is praying for her,

She knows that Jesus loves her,

And even though she is troubled,

She can have the victory,

And you can, too!



Just remember, Jesus is praying for you.


I know there are teenagers here this morning who are troubled, troubled about many things.


Their heart is heavy,

The burdens are big,

The troubles are almost overwhelming,

Hey - Jesus is praying for you.






Yes, He knows our sorrows.


Exodus 3:7 says, “I know their sorrows.”


He knows what your burden is,

He knows what is troubling you,

He knows your sorrows.


Isaiah 53:4, “Surely he [talking about Christ] hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows...”


Maybe you have lost a husband or wife,

He knows your sorrows,

Jesus is praying for you.


I remember when Billy Melton passed away and how brokenhearted Mrs. Melton was.

How did she make it?

Jesus was praying for her.


I remember when Abanell Bond passed away and how brokenhearted Bro. Bond was.

How did he make it?

Jesus was praying for him.


Maybe you have lost a son or daughter,

He knows your sorrows,

Jesus is praying for you.


I remember the heartache just over a year ago when my brother-in-law passed away.  A young man of 54.


I remember the heartache of my mother-in-law, and I remember the heartache of my wife.


How did they make it through?

Jesus was praying for them.

How will you make it?

Jesus is praying for you.


Maybe you have lost a mother or father,

And your heart still aches,

He knows your sorrows,

Jesus is praying for you.


Maybe you have son or daughter that is away from God and it is breaking your heart,

He knows your sorrows,

Jesus is praying for you.


Whatever your sorrow,

Whatever your burden,

Whatever your trouble,

Jesus knows all about it,

Jesus is praying for you.


That’s right,

Jesus is praying for you.



(Sermons 1998 - I / HEPRAYS)

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