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Cisco Certification Frequently Asked Questions
Archive-Name: Certification/Cisco/Frequently Asked Questions
Version: 03:02:00 Part 2 of 3
Date: 22 November 2001
Posted: Weekly (Thursday)
Title: Part 2 - Certifications
Part 1 - Introduction
10.0 Statement of objectives
11.0 Administrivia
12.0 What is Cisco accreditation
13.0 Testing
14.0 Learning resources
15.0 Getting practical experience.
16.0 Dealing with Cisco.
17.0 Links
18.0 Credits
Part 2 - Certifications
21.0 What accreditation is offered?
22.0 Network Installation and Support
23.0 Network Installation and Support (WAN) (Retiring 31 December 2001)
24.0 Network Engineering and Design
25.0 Network Engineering and Design (WAN) (Retiring 31 December 2001)
26.0 Communications and Services
27.0 Specialist Designations
28.0 Cisco Partner Specialisation Exams
29.0 Entry Level CCNA, CCNA(WAN), CCDA
29.1 CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate
29.2 CCNA(WAN) Cisco Certified Network Associate (WAN) (Retiring)
29.3 CCDA Cisco Certified Design Associate
210.0 Professional Level CCIP, CCNP, CCNP(WAN), CCDP
210.1 CCNP Cisco Certified Network Professional
210.2 CCNP(WAN) Cisco Certified Network Professional (WAN) (Retiring)
210.3 CCDP Cisco Certified Design Professional
210.4 CCDP(WAN) Cisco Certified Design Professional (WAN) (Retiring)
210.5 CCIP Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional
211.0 Expert Level CCIE
211.0 Changes to CCIE examinations
211.1 Q: What is required to obtain the CCIE qualification?
211.2 Q: Where is the best place to look for current CCIE Information?
211.3 Q: Is there more than one type of CCIE?
211.4 Q: What is involved in the Qualifying examination?
211.5 Q: What is involved in scheduling the hands on evaluation?
211.6 Q: If I decide that I want to change my CCIE designation to another one
do I have to take another written or can I just change?
211.7 Recertification
211.8 What happens If I do not re-certify?
211.9 Q: What is involved with retired CCIE Designations?
211.10 Q: What are the benefits awarded by Cisco for becoming a CCIE?
212.0 Specializations
213.0 Spare
214.0 The Lost Exams Home
215.0 Cisco Certification Renewal Policy
216.0 Beta Exams
Part 3 - Practical Issues
31.0 Q: What is involved in a Home Laboratory?
32.0 Router basics.
33.0 Switch Basics.
34.0 Internet Basics
35.0 Access Lists
36.0 Links
21.0 Q: What certification is offered?
Current information is available on the Cisco connection online
The Cisco certifications have been grouped in the following groupings
22.0 Q: What is the Network Installation and Support stream?
22.1 Associate level
22.2 Professional level
22.3 Expert level
CCIE (Routing and Switching)
23.0 Q: What is the Network Installation and support (WAN) stream?
23.0 All certifications in this stream are retiring.
Last day to sit the exam is 31 December 2001.
Refer Cisco site for details.
23.1 Associate level
23.2 Professional level
23.3 Expert level
No expert level qualification offered
24.0 Q: What is the Network Engineering and Design stream?
24.1 Associate Level
24.2 Professional Level
24.3 Expert Level
No expert level qualification offered.
25.0 Q: What is the Network Engineering and Design (WAN) stream?
25.1 Associate level
Non offered
25.2 Professional level
25.3 Expert level
None offered.
26.0 Q: What is the Communications & Services stream?
26.1 Associate Level
No CCNA required, but recommended.
26.2 Professional level
26.3 Expert level
CCIE (Communications and services)
27.0 Q: What are the Specialist Designations?
27.1 Cisco Cable Communications Specialist
27.2 Cisco Internet Solutions Specialist
27.3 Cisco Security Specialist 1
27.4 Cisco SNA/IP Design Specialist
27.5 Cisco SNA/IP Support Specialist
28.0 Q: what are the Cisco Partner Specialization Exams?
28.1 Cisco IP Telephony
28.2 Cisco Voice Over Frame Relay, ATM and IP
29.0 Entry Level
29.1 CCNA
29.1.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the entry level certification in the Network Installation
and Support - Routing and Switching stream
29.1.1 Q: What are the prerequisites for the CCNA?
A: There are no Prerequisites for the CCNA.
29.1.2 Q: Where can I find further information on the CCNA?
29.1.3 Q: What exams are required for the CCNA certification?
A:604-507 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
current_exams/640-507.html#examtop (Line Broken)
210.1.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: The CCNA certification is valid for three years.
210.1.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: Pass the current version of the CCNA exam.
Pass the CCNP exam while CCNA is still current. Renewing CCNP renews
29.2 CCNA(WAN)
This certification is on the to be retired list
29.2.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the entry level certification in the Network Installation
and Support - Switching (WAN) stream
29.2.1 Q: What are the prerequisites for the CCNA (WAN)?
A: There are no Prerequisites for the CCNA (WAN).
29.2.2 Q: Where can I find further Information on the CCNA (WAN)
29.2.3 Q: What exams are required for the CCNA (WAN) certification?
A: 640-410 Cisco Certified Network Associate/WAN switching (CCNAWS)
210.2.7 Q: When is the last day to take this exam?
A: December 31st 2001
210.2.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: The CCNA (WAN) certification is valid for three years.
210.2.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: You Cannot Recertify.
29.3 CCDA
29.3.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the entry level certification in the Network Engineering and
Design stream.
29.3.1 Q: What are the prerequisites for the CCDA?
A: There are no prerequisites for the CCDA.
29.3.2 Q: Where can I find more information about this certificate?
29.3.3 Q: What is the exam for the CCDA?
A:641-441 Designing Cisco Networks ( DCN)
current_exams/640-441.html (URL split)
29.1.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: The CCDA certification is valid for three years.
29.1.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: Pass the current version of the CCDA exam.
Pass the CCDP exams while the CCNA is still current. Renewing CCDP
renews CCDA
210.0 Professional Level Certification
210.1 CCNP
210.1.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the mid-level certification in the Network Installation and
Support - Routing and Switching stream
210.1.1 Q: What are the prerequisites for the CCNP?
A: The prerequisite is the CCNA.
210.1.2 Q: Where can I find information about this qualification?
210.1.3 Q: What are the tests?
A:640-503 Building Scalable Cisco Networks (BSCN)
641-900 Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (Beta) (BSCI)
640-504 Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN)
640-505 Building Cisco Remote Access Networks (BCRAN)
640-506 Support (Support)
640-519 CCNP Re-Certification Exam (CCNPR)
Routing Exam (RTING 640-503)
Switching Exam (SWTCH 640-504)
Remote Access Exam (RMTAC 640-505)
Support Exam (SUPRT 640-506)
Foundation (FNDN 640-509)
CCNP Re-certification Exam (CCNPR 640-519)
210.1.4 Q: I have heard about exam Foundation 640-509?
This exam is an alternative path to the CCNP.
It consists of the material of the first three exams (503 - 505).
The advantage is that it is a single exam and that there is a cost
saving associated with it.
The disadvantages are that it is longer in duration, has more questions
and the result is all or nothing. You have to pass all three sections
of the exam to pass the exam.
Most people prefer the slower and steadier way and get credit for
passing the individual exams. If you have to resit an exam it is only
the one you have failed, not all three again.
You still have to sit the 604-506 support exam.
(Recommended for those who really know their stuff and have a death
wish ;-> )
210.1.5 Q: What is the best order to take the four individual exams?
A: The best order to take the exams depends on your strengths and
weaknesses. Many like to take the exams where they show particular
strengths from Routing/ Switching/ Remote access first, followed by
those where they are weaker.
It is accepted that the support exam is best left to last as it draws
on material from the other three exams, although not exclusively so.
There is no set order to take the exams and the individual can choose
the order that exams are taken.
210.1.6 Q: Are there alternative ways to achieve CCNP?
A: It appears that the exam Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks
(BSCI) (641-900) is accepted as an alternative to the exam Building
Scalable Cisco Networks (BSCN) (604-503). The exam 641-900 would be
applicable to the routing/ switching and service provider track.
210.1.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: The CCNP certification is valid for three years. Renewing CCNP
automatically renews CCNA.
210.1.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: Pass the CCNP Re-certification Exam (CCNPR 640-519)
current_exams/640-519.html (Line Broken)
210.2 CCNP (WAN)
This exam is on the to be retired list
210.4.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the mid-level certification in the Network Installation and
Support - Switching (WAN) stream
210.2.1 Q: What are the prerequisites?
A: The prerequisite certification is a valid CCNA (WAN)
210.2.2 Q: Where can I find information about this qualification?
210.2.3 Q: What are the tests?
Multiband Switch and Service Configuration (MSSC) 640-419 MSSC
current_exams/640-419.html (Line broken)
BPX Switch and Service Configuration (BSSC) 640-425 BSSC
current_exams/640-425.html (Line broken)
MGX ATM Concentrator Configuration (MACC) 640-411 MACC
current_exams/640-411.html (Line broken)
Cisco WAN Manager Installation & Operation (CWMIO) 640-459 CWMIO
current_exams/640-459.html (Line broken)
210.2.7 Q: When is the last day to take this exam?
A: 31st December 2001
210.2.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: The CCNP (WAN) certification is valid for three years.
210.2.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: You cannot re-certify.
210.3 CCDP
210.3.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the mid-level certification in the Network Engineering and
Design - Routing and Switching stream
210.3.1 Q: What are the prerequisites?
A: The prerequisite certifications are CCNA and CCDA
210.3.2 Q: Where can I find information about this qualification?
210.3.3 Q: What are the tests?
A:604-503 Building Scalable Cisco Networks (BSCN)
641-900 Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (Beta) (BSCI)
604-504 Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN)
604-505 Building Cisco Remote Access Networks (BCRAN)
640-025 Cisco Internet Design (CID)
640-529 CCDP Recertification Exam (CCDPR)
Routing Exam (RTING 640-503)
Switching Exam (SWTCH 640-504)
Remote Access Exam (RMTAC 640-505)
Internetwork Design Exam (CID 640-025)
Foundation (FNDN 640-509)
CCDP Recertification Exam (CCDPR 640-529)
210.3.4 Q: I have heard about exam Foundation 640-509
This exam is an alternative path to the CCDP.
It consists of the material of the first three exams. (503 - 505)
The advantage is that it is a single exam and that there is a cost
saving associated with it.
The disadvantages are that it is longer in duration, has more questions
and the result is all or nothing. You have to pass all three sections
of the exam to pass the exam.
Most people prefer the slower and steadier way and get credit for
passing the individual exams. If you have to resit an exam, it is only
the one you have failed not all three again.
You still have to sit the 640-025 Cisco Internet Design exam.
(Recommended for those who really know their stuff and have a death
wish ;-> )
210.3.5 Q: What is the best order to take the four exams?
A: The best order to take the exams depends on your strengths and
weaknesses. Many like to take the exams where they show particular
strengths, from Routing/ Switching/ Remote access first, followed by
those where they are weaker.
Without much reason to say anything else, the design exam is probably
best left to last as it most likely draws on concepts from the other
three exams.
There is no set order and it is up to the individual to plan the order
in which exams are taken.
210.3.6 Q: Are there alternative ways to achieve CCDP?
A: It appears that the exam Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks
(BSCI) (641-900) is accepted as an alternative to the exam Building
Scalable Cisco Networks (BSCN) (604-503). The exam 641-900 would be
also applicable to the routing/switching and service provider track.
210.3.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: The CCDP certification is valid for three years.
210.3.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: Pass the CCDP Recertification Exam (CCDPR 640-529)
current_exams/640-529.html (line broken)
Questions are drawn from the four qualifying exams
CCDP automatically renews CCDA
210.4 CCDP(WAN)
210.4.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the mid-level certification in the Network Engineering and
Design - Routing and Switching (WAN) stream
210.4.2 Q: Where can I find information about this qualification?
210.4.3 Q: What are the tests?
A:640-413 Designing Switched WAN Voice Solutions (DSWVS)
210.4.7 Q: What is the last day to take the exam?
A: 31st December 2001.
210.4.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: "CCDP (WAN) certifications are valid for three years." Cisco 8/01
210.4.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: You cannot re-certify.
210.5 CCIP
210.5.0 Q: Where does this fit into the scheme of things?
A: This is the mid-level certification in the service provider stream
210.5.1 Q: What are the prerequisites?
A: There are no pre-requisites, but the CCNA is recommended.
210.5.2 Q: Where can I find information about this qualification?
210.5.3 Q: What are the tests?
A:641-900 (BETA) Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI)
641-905 (BETA) Multicast and +Quality of Service
One elective from the following specializations.
641-910 MPLS 30Jul01 – TBD CCIP elective
641-915 METRO 03Aug01 – TBD CCIP elective
641-920 PKTEL 24Aug01 – TBD CCIP elective
641-925 CN 24Aug01 – TBD CCIP elective
[email protected] (astewart)
"Additional elective technology solution options such as cable,
ISP dial, wireless, and optical will be added over time" Cisco
210.5.4 Q: Where can I find the exams?
A: This is a new certification track and the exams have the following
BSCI is in Beta from July 2001.
Multicast should be available late 2001
QOS Beta should be available late 2001
210.5.8 Q: For how long is the certification valid?
A: "CCIP certifications are valid for three years." Cisco 8/01
210.5.9 Q: How do I re-certify?
A: "CCIP recertification examination requirements are in the process of
being defined and will be announced by the end of 2001." Cisco 8/01
211.0 Expert Level
211.0 Changes to CCIE examinations.
From October first the proficiency exam will be reduced to one day.
Refer to the Cisco CCO CCIE certification pages for more information,
in particular the "whats new" and FAQ pages.
(John Kaberna 29 July 2001)
"The new CCIE format will move these basic tasks into an extended
qualification exam......... "
(pico 30 July 2001)
211.1 Q: What is required to obtain the CCIE qualification?
211.1.1 Q: What are the pre-requisites for the certification?
A: There are no prerequisite certifications required.
211.1.2 Q: What exams are involved?
One Theory Exam to qualify.
One two day proficiency exam (One day from the first of October)
211.2 Q: Where is the BEST place to look for current CCIE information?
A: For CURRENT CCIE listings and general information,
211.3 Q: Are there more than 1 type of CCIE?
A: As of October 1st 2001 OFFICIALLY there are THREE different
CCIE tracks listed.
211.3.1 What are the Current CCIE tracks?
Qualification test number: 350-001
Status: Fully active
Format: Form test of 100 questions with a 2 hour duration
[A New 150 question 3 hour test is being introduced as of first Quarter 2002]
Qualification test number: 350-019
Status: Fully active
Format: Form test of 100 questions with a 2 hour duration
[A New 150 question 3 hour test is being introduced as of first Quarter 2002]
Qualification test number:
Status: Active
Format: Form test of 100 questions with a 2 hour duration
[A New 150 question 3 hour test is being introduced as of first Quarter 2002]
Note: The qualifying exams were due to change to 150 questions and three
hours duration on the first of October. This change has been re-
scheduled to the first quarter of 2002.
211.3.2 What are the recently retired CCIE designations?
Qualification test number: 350-004
[As of January 31st 2001 this track was retired. No new candidates can engage
in this track and people who had passed this qualification exam were required to
PASS the Hands-On Evaluation by August 31st 2001]
Qualification test number: 350-007
[As of January 31st 2001 this track was retired. No new candidates can engage
in this track and people who had passed this qualification exam were required to
PASS the Hands-On Evaluation by August 31st 2001]
211.3.3 Q: What are the RETIRED CCIE designations?
Qualification test number: 350-013
[As of January 31st 2001 this track is now retired -- no new candidates can
engage in this track and people who already passed this Qualification are
required to PASS the Hands-On Evaluation by July 31, 2001];
Qualification test number: 350-014
[As of March 15th 2001 this track is now retired -- no new candidates can engage
in this track and people who already passed this Qualification are being allowed
to take the Routing and Switching Hands-on evaluation. However they will be
designated as Routing and Switching Specialists NOT design if they did NOT pass
the hands-on evaluation before June 15th 2001.]
211.4 What is involved in the Qualifying examination?
211.4.1 Where can I find an Index of CCIE Qualifying Exam Numbers?
211.4.2 Q: Do I have to take the Qualification test as I'm really experienced
using Cisco routers?
A: In order to be allowed to take the Hands-on Evaluation you MUST
FIRST pass the Qualification ("Written") examination. As of February
2001 the passing score for the 350-001 is 70% (it is HIGHER for direct
employees and direct consultants of Cisco being 75% for such candidates
to pass)
211.4.3 Q: Where can I take the CCIE Qualification tests?
Sylvan-Prometric and Vue conduct the CCIE Qualification examinations
for ALL versions of the CCIE Qualification ("Written") examination
which is ONLY the pre-requisite for the actual examination [which is
the Hands- on evaluation lab].
211.4.4 Q: How much does the CCIE Qualification test cost?
A: The test currently costs US$300.00
If you are NOT taking your examination in the United States contact
your local Sylvan-Prometric/Thomson Learning or VUE location to find
the cost in local currency as it varies with the exchange rate.
211.4.5 Q: What format does the qualification test take?
A: The Qualification test is a computer based multiple choice and input
answer which totals 100 questions of two hour duration. It is a CLOSED
book format and has a DEFINITE passing score of 70% (SOME Questions are
graded with Partial score, though MOST questions are NOT -- thus you
could fail if you get more than 80 questions partially correct and yet
still pass with 60 COMPLETELY ACCURATE and some others partially -- but
mostly it is far more simple to think that you need 70 out of 100
questions answered correctly.
Note: The qualifying exam was due to change to 150 questions and three hours
duration on the first of October 2001. This has been re-scheduled to
the first quarter of 2002.
211.4.6 Q: Can I state myself as "CCIE-Written" when I pass the Qualification
A: Contrary to most assumptions, you do NOT get a certificate
designation NOR are you allowed to state that you are "CCIE-written"
for passing the CCIE QUALIFICATION examination as THERE IS NO SUCH
designation from Cisco. People who were engaged in passing the LAB
(i.e., have already taken the lab and FAILED the hands-on and taking it
again later) WERE at one time allowed to use the "Participant logo" but
this logo has retired from active service. Again the Qualification
("Written") examination is ONLY a pre-requisite for candidates to be
allowed to take the REAL exam which is the hands-on LAB and is ONLY for
that purpose.
211.5 Q: What is involved in scheduling the hands on evaluation?
211.5.1 Q: How long do I have to wait in order to schedule my CCIE Evaluation
A: Once you pass the Qualification ("Written") exam you can schedule
the hands on evaluation.
You may choose to contact Cisco directly OR wait until the Cisco
candidate database is updated.
211.5.2 Q: What is the TIME FRAME to PASS the hands-on Evaluation?
A: Once you pass the Qualification ("Written") examination, you must
then schedule the Hands-on Evaluation for that particular examination
WITHIN 545 days (18 month)
(Holidays ARE included in this time frame -- for example, do NOT expect
because of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day in the United
States, you will be given extra days to compensate -- YOU ARE LIMITED
If you do NOT schedule AND ACTUALLY take evaluation WITHIN 545 days OF
PASSING the qualification examination, the qualification examination
that you passed is rendered NULL and VOID. You are required to TAKE AND
PASS ANOTHER Qualification examination in order to be allowed to take
the hands-on evaluation.
If you take and FAIL the hands-on evaluation WITHIN the 545 day period
from the day you passed the Qualification exam, your retry time
is extended to 1095 days (3 years) from the date that you passed
THAT particular Qualification exam -- NOT FROM THE DATE THAT YOU TOOK
the LABORATORY (this is common mistake people are making now that the
intervening time between the Qualification pass and lab schedule has
been extended).
If you have NOT passed the hands-on Evaluation at the end of this 1095
day (3 year) period, you will be required to take ANOTHER Qualification
test in order to be allowed to take the Hands-on Evaluation again.
ALSO be aware that the LAB has a MANDATORY 30 DAY WAITING period for
every failure reschedule, thus if you fail by say 5 points you can't
come back even to test at ANY other laboratory testing location before
30 days has passed since you failed the hands-on EVEN if that testing
Lab has an open day the very next day.
211.5.3 Q: Why should I book a hands on evaluation as soon as possible?
A: As soon as you pass the qualifying exam the time limit on passing
the evaluation starts.
Lab dates are finite and as there is often a significant delay before
the date for lab can be booked, booking early maximizes your
opportunities to take the evaluation.
Because many people take several attempts to pass the evaluation,
starting as soon as possible also makes best use of the time limit on
the evaluation.
ALSO be aware that the LAB has a MANDATORY 30 DAY WAITING period for
every failure reschedule, thus if you fail by say 5 points you can't
come back even to test at ANY other laboratory testing location before
30 days has passed since you failed the hands-on EVEN if that testing
Lab has an open day the very next day.
The time limit between passing the Qualification exam and
scheduling the corresponding lab has been increased from the previous
365 day (12 month) limit to now being 545 days(18 months).
Despite this increase it is still FAR better for YOU to forward YOUR
Qualification test results to CISCO in order to start the scheduling
process as soon as possible. It is FAR faster than waiting for Cisco to
get them from Sylvan Prometric/ Vue -- remember the time you have to
take the hands-on Evaluation is STRICTLY ENFORCED as being ONLY 545
days from the day you passed the Qualification exam -- no extensions!
211.5.4 Q How Do I schedule the Routing and Switching evaluation?
A: The scheduling process for those who are now seeking to schedule the
Lab for Routing and Switching in the United States and Canada has
changed from manual scheduling to ONLY being done by the online
Internet Web scheduler located at:
According to this page, the updating of information into their database
CAN take as long as FOUR weeks. Thus your attempt at scheduling lab
time will NOT be an easy one if you are seeking anything earlier than
six months from the time you passed your R&S Qualification (350-001).
If you are seeking an earlier time you can try "switching" your lab
with other already scheduled lab takers -- but in order to take that
earlier date you have drop the lab which MAY allow another unintended
individual to come into your attempt to swap time with the intended
person and take that proposed slot from both of you.
Remember you can NOT hold two bookings for the same type of lab at the
same time.
Cisco has stated that at present for those seeking to take the R&S
Evaluation outside of the United States and Canada they should still
MANUALLY send in a copy of their successfully passed Qualification to
schedule their R&S Evaluation Lab in order to schedule their lab
quickly rather than waiting for Sylvan Prometric/Vue updates.
If you are outside of United States and Canada but wish to take the
Evaluation lab at a Cisco testing facility IN the United States or
Canada then you MUST use the web scheduler.
If you are outside of United States and Canada but wish to take the
Evaluation lab at a Cisco testing facility OUTSIDE the United States or
Canada then you must MANUALLY send a request for Lab scheduling to the
location you wish to be tested.
Cisco is currently in the process of converting ALL their LAB
Evaluations to the web scheduler. Cisco states this SHOULD BE finalized
by end of Second Quarter 2002 for ALL Routing and Switching
Laboratories WORLD WIDE, with Security by FOURTH Quarter 2002. Until
that time, scheduling for areas outside United States and Canada is
STILL to be done manually for any labs.
For those seeking to schedule the Lab Evaluation for either Security
(350-018) or Communications, you can NOT schedule these labs through
the Internet scheduler. You must still MANUALLY schedule your lab date.
Thus you may choose to contact Cisco directly to schedule either the
Security Lab or the Communications LAB -- OR wait until their candidate
database is updated.
" As a side note a FEW people WERE able, through using the Internet
scheduler, to by-pass the 30 day limitation on retaking the hands-on
Evaluation. This has been basically corrected but you MAY still be
able to do this. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED that you use the Web scheduler
to do this, as Cisco is NOW actively pursuing people who seek to by-
pass the 30 day limitation and MAY actively FORCE you to DROP a
scheduled lab that does NOT adhere to the 30 day limitation.
Be aware that Cisco reserves the right to change, reschedule or even
CANCEL your lab if you do NOT adhere to the POSTED CURRENT
Challenge the 30 day limit at your own peril!!"
(PSION1 10 October 2001)
211.5.5A Q: What is the quickest way to schedule the evaluation?
(Other than Routing and Switching and located other than US or Canada)
A: For fastest results it is FAR BETTER for YOU to contact Cisco
directly to schedule the hands-on Evaluation Exam. You will have to
prove that you passed a Qualification Exam by
-> FAXING a cover sheet/ letter requesting a lab date, along with a copy
of the certified result sheet from your Qualification examination to
Cisco which has the RAISED STAMP VISIBLE ON IT in order to schedule the
You can forward it to Cisco at:
San Jose, California
Scheduling: 1-800-829-6387 or 1-403-781-7517
Payments: 1-800-829-6387 or 1-919-392-0210
Fax: 1-919-392-0166
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Tel: 1-800-829-6387 or 1-919-392-0210
Fax: 1-919-392-0166
E-MAIL by attaching an electronic copy of your Qualification
exam result sheet so that the raised stamp IS noticeable. Forward it to
"[email protected]"
Remember to state that you are looking to schedule your HANDS-ON
Evaluation test as part of the Subject line otherwise they will
probably take longer than you want to respond to your request for
You can telephone them and wait until Cisco's candidate database is
updated from Sylvan Prometric/ Vue which can take as long as fifteen
BUSINESS days to do so [which is ALMOST an ENTIRE MONTH!] Once they
have received the official scores into their database you can schedule
your EVALUATION at the site you choose IF it has an available
evaluation within YOUR 545 day (18 months) time limit.
You may use the NEW web based scheduler. Be aware if you choose to use
the Web base scheduler you must wait until Cisco has ALREADY processed
your PASSING Qualification results thus it is far better if YOU send
your test to them rather than waiting on Sylvan/Vue to send in your
test results.
" As a side note a FEW people WERE able through using the Internet
scheduler to by-pass the 30 day limitation of retaking the hands-on
Evaluation. This has been basically corrected but you MAY still be
able to do this. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED that you use the Web scheduler
to do this, as Cisco is NOW actively pursuing people who seek to by-
pass the 30 day limitation and MAY actively FORCE you to DROP a
scheduled lab that does NOT adhere to the 30 day limitation.
Be aware that Cisco reserves the right to change, reschedule or even
CANCEL your lab if you do NOT adhere to the POSTED CURRENT
Challenge the 30 day limit at your own peril!!"
(PSION1 10 October 2001)
211.5.6 Q: How many hands on evaluations can I book at one time?
A: You are NOT allowed to schedule more than ONE (1) LABORATORY in a
SINGLE TRACK at a single time. You can only hold ONE (1) Evaluation
testing slot for EACH CCIE lab track -- thus you CAN have one scheduled
lab for Routing and Switching and ANOTHER scheduled lab for Security
but you cannot change the one that you had for Security into one for
Routing and Switching for that same day directly, even if that lab site
does both types of Evaluations.
You would STILL have to actually cancel the Security lab and THEN
transfer the funds over to the Routing and Switching Lab and then
see if the schedulers can get a date that you wish.
211.5.7 What is involved in swapping evaluation dates?
A: Cisco is converting the scheduling to the Internet based format
and while the accessibility has been made far more open to everyone,
those who wish to swap labs with SPECIFIC individuals for SPECIFIC
dates, these changes have been more difficult, as in order to change
your lab date you must DROP your scheduled lab time and EVERYONE
on line at the time you drop your lab has open access to that DROPPED
lab - not just the person you want to switch with. The same with that
other person as their lab may be snatched up by someone else OTHER THAN
Remember you can NOT hold two (2) separate dates for the SAME
Evaluation. So switch at your own peril as you may end up with an even
LATER lab date than you started with!!
211.5.8 Q: I passed my Qualification Routing and Switching Lab, and waited two
weeks and am getting debug problems with the scheduler. What's wrong?
A: The reason is that the database has NOT received your information.
Remember, it can take as long as 20 business days (a WHOLE MONTH!!)
for the database to be updated with your Qualification scores. So be a
little patient.
If you write to the CCIE program Administrators at "[email protected]"
they will tell simply tell you that you can NO LONGER manually send in
your results for Routing and Switching, and you will have to wait until
your results are OFFICIALLY received. [I Know that this is a pain and
will make your lab even further delayed than you wanted but this is
what Cisco is doing!]
Also be aware that the scheduler has problems with time-out issues for
anyone who is trying to connect with slow modem dial-up speeds as well
(14,400 b/s is NOT good for connecting with this thing!!)
211.5.9 Q: Where do I take the hands-on Evaluation?
You can ONLY take the hands-on Evaluation at a CISCO DESIGNATED
EVALUATION testing site. Your ability to take the hands-on test depends
totally on 1) what site you select; 2) when you call to schedule your 2
day evaluation; and 3) whether they have time to schedule you WITHIN
the 365 day period of your Qualification test pass at that particular
If you are looking to take the test SOONER rather than later it is a
SAFE bet that you will get closer to the actual date (if not the actual
date itself) you want to take the Evaluation at one of the smaller
sites rather than the larger ones such as the primary one at San Jose,
California, United States. One of the better smaller sites in the North
American listings are Triangle Research Park in North Carolina, United
States or Nova Scotia, Canada.
However the trade off is because these are smaller sites they may NOT
have the room to start the evaluation with a group of six to eight as
done at San Jose's site every time they test and limit themselves to
smaller group sizes.
211.5.10 Q: How much does the hands-on Evaluation cost?
A: As of January 1st 2001 the cost has gone up to US$1,250.00
211.5.11 Q: Can I cancel/ reschedule an evaluation without losing my payment?
A: If you need to cancel your lab (EVEN TO RESCHEDULE AT A DIFFERENT
DATE) you must do so AT LEAST 28 days BEFORE your scheduled date to
take the lab or you will LOSE all of the cost of the lab.
211.5.12 Q: Do I have to pay the entire amount or can I pay in installments?
ALL of the US$1,250.00 LAB fee has to be paid BEFORE Cisco will give
you a definite day to attend the hands-on Evaluation.
211.6 Q: If I decide that I want to change my CCIE designation to another one
do I have to take another written or can I just change?
A: The Qualification examination that you MUST PASS FIRST is ONLY to
allow you to take the SAME Hands-on evaluation for the that particular
track (i.e., you cannot take 350-001 Routing and Switching
Qualification exam and then decide to take the hands-on evaluation for
WAN Switching or ISP.)
If you decide that you want to switch your track you MUST FIRST go back
and PASS the Qualification for that particular track. There are no
exceptions UNLESS a track is PERMANENTLY retired at the discretion of
CISCO such as the CCIE-WAN Switching and CCIE-ISP tracks and certain
candidates are being allowed to take the SP hands-on evaluation
211.7 Recertification
211.7.1 Q: How long is the qualification valid?
A: The CCIE is valid for two years.
211.7.2 Q: What is required for a CCIE re-certify?
A: Each exam is a two hour computer based exam with 100 multiple choice
/recertification.html#9 (URL Split)
211.7.3 Q: Can I re-certify in more than one track at a time?
A: A candidate may re-certify at the time of their re-certification in
different tracks as well such as Network Management Test 350-015
[which CURRENTLY has no definite HANDS-ON lab] but ONLY at that time of
Section listed as "Do I get a specialization once I pass one of
the Qualification or Re-certification Exams?" for full details.
211.7.4 Q: What are my benefits for re-certifying as a CCIE from Cisco?
Currently there are none for recertifying that were not initially given
when you were certified as a CCIE such as re-certification of all lower
Career Certifications that you have (i.e., CCNx and CCDx).
The certificates which were given for re-certifying have been
This applies to people re-certifying in different areas as well - i.e.,
you certified originally as a R&S specialist and recertify as a Network
Management specialist, you WILL NOT NOW get a certificate stating you
are a Network Management specialist.
211.7.5 Q: How long do I have before re-certifying, once I am certified as a
You must re-certify EACH CCIE specialization you have every two years
AFTER you are certified. That means if you have two (2) different CCIE
specializations (R&S AND Security) you have to re-certify for EACH one
of these tracks individually.
Retired programs are NOT eligible for re-certification (i.e., you were
certified as a CCIE SNA you have to change your specialization to
another active area such as Network Management or be given permission
to take another area such as the re-certification test for R&S though
you did not originally certify in that area)
If you do NOT re-certify within that two year period, your CCIE status
is changed to INACTIVE and are given one year more to FINALIZE your
If you do recertify within this third year, your CCIE status is changed
from "inactive" to "active" BUT you will have to re-certify within a
year's time again as you must re-certify EVERY TWO (2) years from the
date you get your CCIE status
(i.e., you certify Jan. 2000 you must re-certify again on Jan. 2002 and
re-certify on Jan 2004. If you wait and re-certify as an "inactive" on
Jan 2003 you still have to re-certify by Jan 2004 as that is the two
year period from when you were certified and were suppose to re-certify
-- 2002 to 2004 and again on 2006)
211.7.6 Q: What happens if I have not re-certified by the end of the third
If you do not re-certify by the end of this third year, your CCIE
status is changed from "inactive" to DECERTIFIED.
211.8 What happens If I do not re-certify?
211.8.1 Q: How many times can my CCIE status be made inactive?
A: "I have not asked SPECIFICALLY how many times you are allowed to be
placed in the "inactive status" before you are decertified but be aware
if you allow it to happen too many times from what was told by a
Ms. Green from Cisco they WILL probably decertify you if they see a
consistent pattern of the CCIE doing just that, so do NOT think that
you can reach out and cheat over the two year limit by going on the
inactive list every three years!!
Keep your CCIE status active!" (psion1 10 October 2001)
211.8.2 Q: What happens to my lower level certifications when my CCIE becomes
All lower level career certifications that have not been directly
re-certified with their own particular re-certification tests will also
be rendered DECERTIFIED if they have reached their individual time
211.8.3 Q: How can I regain my CCIE when I am de-certified?
Once you are designated as "decertified" you must go through the entire
certification process from the beginning.
211.8.4 Q: Can I call myself a CCIE when de-certified?
A: You are no longer permitted to call yourself as a CCIE once you are
211.8.5 Q: What happens to my CCIE privileges if I do not re-certify?
A: All privileges and awards are rendered null and void until such time
as you re-certify.
211.8.6 Q: What happens if I claim CCIE status while decertified?
A: If you are caught presenting yourself as a CCIE after being
decertified, you may receive further limitations from Cisco including
being prevented from re-certifying in ANY Cisco certification programs
(including the most basic) PERMANENTLY.
211.8.7 Q: If I re-instate CCIE status can I have my original number?
A: If you re-certify in the same area, your ORIGINAL number will be
reactivated -- you will NOT get a new number if you re-certify in the
same track.
If the track you certified is no longer active, (i.e., you originally
certified in SNA or another retired track ONLY), you WILL be given
a new number after your CCIE status is re-activated.
"[So unless you want to be over the 10,000 number limit, you better
keep your certification active!]" (psion1 10 October 2001)
211.9 Q: What is involved with retired CCIE Designations?
211.9.1 Q: Am I permitted to continue using retired CCIE designations?
A: According to Cisco, you are NOT permitted to present yourself as a
"CCIE SNA" as the SNA specialization is no longer active, nor any other
of the retired specializations.
211.9.2 Q: What happens if I am a dual CCIE?
If you were a dual CCIE with a track that has been retired (i.e., hold
R&S and SNA) you are no longer a dual CCIE as your other (here - SNA)
specialization has been retired.
211.9.3 Q:
It is only ACTIVE specializations (tracks) that allow you to present
yourself as a CCIE.
211.9.4 Q: What happens if my CCIE specialization is retired?
A: You can continue to present yourself as a CCIE [plain vanilla], as
long as you maintain your current active status.
211.10 What are the benefits awarded by Cisco for becoming a CCIE?
You will receive a certificate with your CCIE number and a wallet card
stating your professional Cisco level. Also you receive greater though
NOT complete access to all of CCO forums (partner and training areas
are obvious exceptions).
The wall plaques have been restarted for those who pass the CCIE
Evaluation. There are currently two versions that a person can attain -
- a crystal inscribed plague about 7inches high and 6inches wide. It
contains the well known CCIE logo and your number in reverse frost.
This model is free for all those who did NOT receive a plaque for
passing their lab. Send an email to the CCIE administrator at
([email protected]) and they will send it to you within six to eight
The older one is a bronzed circular medallion in a wooden frame. This
version is the standard model and is being retired. Cisco is
discontinuing this model BUT for a the next few months IF you wish to
BUY this model you can get the older model. Cisco is in the process of
getting the manufacturer of this model CCIE plaque to produce a final
set for those who still want the older version. Again it is NOT free
nor can you get it immediately. Send an email to the CCIE Administrator
and they will give you the specifics on how to attain this version of
the CCIE plaque.
211.10.1 Q: Can I get both versions of the plaque?
A: According to the CCIE Administrator - currently NO -- unless you
possess CURRENT DUAL CCIE status then you can get one for each of the
CCIE's that you have. The plaques are awarded for becoming a CCIE thus
in order to get two (2) plaques you have to get two (2) CCIEs.
Re-certifications in different areas NO LONGER counts as being a multi-
CCIE (remember you do NOT get a re-certification certificate any
You are CCIE R&S ONLY even if you recertify in something different such
as Network Management UNLESS you also certify (pass a DIFFERENT lab) in
a current area such as Security. For those who are CURRENT DUAL CCIE
status - yes they can request BOTH models IF THEY DO NOT already have a
"Write in and GET YOUR PLAQUE! YOU EARNED IT!" (psion1 10 October 2001)
212.0 Specializations
Various specializations are offered. Specializations were previously
offered only to CCNP and above, but in early 2001 offered to those
holding appropriate pre-requisites (not specified). Usually a minimum
qualification of CCNA.
Many previous specializations are being/were retired.
212.3 Q: How long are the specialist designations valid for?
A: Two years
212.4 Q: How do I re-certify my specializations?
212.5 Q: What happens if my specialization is discontinued?
A: The older specializations will not be renewed.
213.0 Not used
214.0 The lost exams Home
Information on many of the superseded exams is available on the Cisco
(watch - line wrapped)
215.0 Cisco Certification Renewal Policy
All Cisco qualifications are subject to periodic renewal. CCIE and
specializations are two years and the CCNX, CCIP and CCDX are three
Refer Cisco site for current information.
216.0 Beta Exams
New exams are offered in beta version prior to full implementation.
Advantage:- the exam is available at no cost to the taker.
Disadvantage:- 1/ the exam is only available for a limited time and
to a limited number of examinees.
2/ Results are not available at the conclusion of the
exam. Wait typically 8 weeks for results.
I have no objection to the FAQ being posted on other sites, I only ask that the
FAQ not be edited, and that it be updated as this FAQ is updated.
>>>---- End Of Part 2 of 3 ---