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CIW 1D0-410


Prosoft Exam Info

First off if you are new to the Prosoft Certification arena or want to learn more read on, otherwise select the exam you are studying for above under the main menu to access our free practice tests, exam info, study guides, study notes, and forums for that exam.

Prosoft created the CIW: IT Certification for the knowledge economy, the CCNT: Convergence of voice, video & data, and the CTP: Convergence Technologies Professional.

We are just going to cover the CIW here because it is there most popular exam, with over 45,000 of there CIW Certifications out there, they have become number 7 in popularity in the IT certification industry.

There are several Exams to become different levels of CIW Certified. To start out with you have to take the CIW Foundation exam to become a CIW Associate. The CIW Foundation covers a range of internet topics, such as Internet Fundamentals, Web Page Authoring Fundamentals, and Networking Fundamentals. After completion of this exam there are many CIW routes you can go. We are not going to get into detail on these here, but you can click here for more on that.