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A+ Core 220-221
A+ OS 220-222
i-Net+ IK0-002


CompTia Exam Info

First off if you are new to the CompTIA Certification arena or want to learn more read on, otherwise select the exam you are studying for above under the main menu to access our free practice tests, exam info, study guides, study notes, and forums for that exam.

CompTIA provides IT Certification exams that are vender neutral. These certifications are a great stepping stone into IT certification because the cover a large variety of topics, but only go so deep into them. As an example, the A+ OS exam covers all the main Operating Systems in use today.

The A+ is typically were you will want to start in obtaining your certifications, such as MCSE MCSA CCNA® CCDA® Network+ and others. Otherwise you may get your MCSE and not even know how to put a PC together and then you will wonder why you can't find work or keep a job.

After Obtaining the A+ you should move towards the MCSE or MCSA, or if you want to get into network engineering I would suggest obtaining your CompTIA Network+ then going towards your Cisco® CCNA® or CCDA® and moving up from there.