First off if you are new to the Microsoft Certification arena or want to learn more read on, otherwise select the exam you are studying for above under the main menu to access our free practice tests, exam info, study guides, study notes, and forums for that exam.
Microsoft provides the MCP, MCSA, and the all famous MCSE certification, and more but not quite as popular as these listed, such as programming and database certifications.
If you already know which Microsoft Certification you want just select it up top below the main menu, if not, read on. I am going to try and explain how the Microsoft Certifications work. First off there is the MCP, you can obtain your MCP by just passing one Microsoft Exams. Now the MCSA Requires you to pass 3 Core Exams, and one Elective Exam, then you can move on to the MCSE, and you will only have to take 3 more exams on top of the MCSA if you have obtained that. This way you will be an MCP all the way through obtaining your MCSE and you will be an MCSA half way through to show your accomplishments and abilities. You can see all of all of the MCSE and MCSA Exams here.
To start out with on your road to becoming an MCP, MCSA, or MCSE Certified most people choose to get the 70-210 Windows 2000 Pro Certification first then the 70-215 Windows 2000 Server Certification, and if you are going toward the MCSA and MCSE then get the Exam 70–218: Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment next, even if you don't care about the MCSA this exam can be used as an elective for your MCSE. One other note about the MCSA is after you pass these three exams above, you just have to take one elective or you can use your CompTIA A+ exam for your elective if you have it!!!
If you Don't have your A+ certification I would actually highly recommend you start there then move onto your 70-210 Windows 2000 Pro Certification